kaju katli

kaju katli | kaju katli price | kaju katli recipe (kaju barfi )

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Hello friends, once again welcome to my new blog, today we are going to make Kaju Katli in a very easy way or you can also say Kaju Barfi.

kaju katli
kaju katli

Kaju Katli is such a sweet that is good in every festival and there is no time to eat it, you can eat it anytime.

It is very easy to make Kaju Katli because everyone likes Kaju Katli very much, whether you are a child or an old person, be it any festival, we like Kaju Katli very much and we bring it from the market, so if we make it at home. So we will not need to bring it from the market

you can also learn many recipe on my youtube channel renu the kitchen

Because friends, we get to see a big doubt in the cashew katli of the market, they say that it is a cashew katli, but it is possible that they have mixed some peanuts in it and the cashew katli we make at home will be made from pure cashews.

And this kaju katli recipe that you make at home will cost you half the rate of the market.

So friends, many people are afraid that our cashew katli will not be good, our cashews will be useless, then there is no need to fear friends, today we will learn how to make cashew katli at home in a perfect way.

Friends, we have to buy whole cashews here, if you cannot take whole cashews, you can also take broken cashews, but if they are dirty, then we have to soak them in water for half an hour, after that we will wash the dirty water that comes out of it. Will throw away and dry the cashews

Ingredient we need for Kaju Katli

  • So here we have taken 500 grams of cashew nuts.
  • 100 g milk
  • 400 g sugar
  • Silver Work
  • Total Time To Make 40 Miniuts

First of all, we will grind these cashews slowly inside the mixer grinder and the powder that will be made of it, after that we will filter this powder with the help of a sieve.

If you like less sweet then you can increase or decrease the quantity of sugar.

Lats start to Make Kaju Katli

Now we’ve got a fry pan

We have put this frying pan on the gas, we will put some desi ghee in it, now we will put 400 grams of sugar in it, friend, then add some water so that our sugar becomes a little wet.

Now friends, we will heat the sugar, bubbles have started coming in the sugar, if your sugar is dirty, the sugar syrup is becoming dirty, then we will put some milk in it and after that we will throw away the dirt that comes out of it.

We will see the consistency of our sugar syrup, we have to make this sugar syrup of one string, we do not have to cook this sugar syrup much.

Now our sugar syrup is ready and we have taken it down from the gas.

Now friends, we will slowly mix cashew powder in this and keep stirring, its consistency is perfect, our mixture of cashew and syrup should be very thick.

And we will keep stirring it till our dough becomes completely cool, see our dough is completely ready to make cashew katli.

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Now we will knead the dough of this cashew katli with the help of palm.

And we will take a butter paper, on top of that paper, we will roll it out with the help of a rolling pin. You can roll it according to how thin you want the cashew katli to be.

Now we will let it dry for a while and when it becomes dry then we will cut it.

Friends, our cashew barfi or Kaju katli has become dry, now we will cut it, you can cut it in any shape, you can take a scale, with the help of scale, you can cut it into pieces.

Now friends we will put silver work on it

So friends, our Kaju  katli or Kaju ki barfi is ready, you can eat this cashew ki katli for 1 month, you fill it in a container and you can use it for 1 month.

So friends, we have learned how to make Kaju katli or Kaju barfi at home very easily and we will not even need to bring it from the market because it is not known in the market how many days it has been kept and in this What things have the marketers mixed

So I hope you will make this Kaju ki Katli at home and do comment and let me know how you liked this Kaju ki Katli recipe.

See you guys again with a new recipe and a new blog till then take care bye

If you have any suggestion or query regarding this recipe then you can ask me in the comment box.

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