kachori recipe

Kachori Recipe | Kachori Recipe: A Delicious and Flavorful Indian Snack You Need to Try

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Pyaaz ki Kachori is very famous recipe in mainly rajasthan but all over india, pyaaz ki kachori recipe is made with rifind flour and potetoes and onions and its taste is very amazing all age people like this pyaaz ki khasta kachori it is eat with red chutney and green chutney.


kachori recipe
kachori recipe


So Hey guys you are welcome on my new blog so today I am making pyaz ki kachori recipe this is a Rajasthani special recipe it is famous in Jodhpur and found in even Jaipur and Kota and this Raj Kachori recipe is so delicious.
So this recipe is very special and delicious turn out really flaky. because it has a potato and onions filling so it can also be called as aloo pyaz ki khasta kachori recipe
And even without any chutni or any accompaniment it taste amazing all by itself too,

And I will share you special garlic chutney goes into its filling which make the filling very delicious,
So I am going to tell you all these things in this blog so let’s learn how to make a perfect and delicious khasta kachori, but many kind of kachori are popular like moong dal kachori, urad dal kachori

so lats start Indian kachori recipes


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Prep time: 20 mins Cooking time: 35-40 minutes (excluding dough resting time) Serves: 5-6 people

#1 Garlic Chutney Ingredients For Pyaaz ki Kachoris recipe

  • GARLIC  3/4 CUP
  • OIL  5 TBSP

#2 Kachori recipe Ingredients:

  • Dough
  • GHEE 5 -6 TBSP
  • WATER  280-300 ML
  • OIL 
  • Filling
  • OIL  5 TBSP


#3 How to perpare dough for kachori recipe


Preparing dough

1. To knead the dough for kachori recipe take 600gm refined flour, A pinch of salt half teaspoon carom seeds, and we will add 5-6 table spoon of ghee the given act as a shortening and will give flakiness to your kachori recipe, we will rub the ghee within refined flour nicely, to incorporate the ghee in the refined floor so massage it between your palm and mix it nicely,



2. And then check it when you make a fistful of the flour it should just stick together, if it is not sticking together than rub it even further and if its still not combined together than we will add one more tablespoon of ghee and after that we will mix it,

3. After mixing this flour nicely when I am holding a fistful it is coming together nicely, Which means that our flour has got good amount of shortening, and this will give flakiness to your kachori recipe,

4. now slowly slowly you have to add water to this here I am adding 300 ml water slowly, So slowly add water and you have to just mix the flour with water, initially just combine the floor and water to result into a very loose and stretchy dough,

5. Once your Dough comes together you can see how is sticky this dough is, You don’t worry when we knead it the dough will becomes fine, So take this sticky dough and transfer it to a platform, now you have to knead it nicely and remove all the stickiness from it,



6. keep kneading it until you are dough becomes smooth and stretchy, so stretch the dough and then hold it back and continue doing this process until the dough becomes soft stretchy and non sticky,

7. After 10 to 12 minutes you can see that I have nicely knead the dough, and it is not a sticky at all and has become stretchy, at this stage make a big dough ball of it, now add some oil in a bowl and place this dough ball and again applies some oil on top and cover it with damp cloth, and let the dough rest,

8. The dough that we make for khasta kachori should be very stretchy and loose, only then you can shape your kachori nicely will not brushed while shaping and while frying it will turn out amazing,



#4 Pro Tips

9. Before using the dough to make kachori recipe  we have to rest the dough for a minimum of 2 hours, So you can keep it for 4 hours but not less than 2 hours when you rest the dough for 2 hours the dough will relax and become even more soft and smooth, and you can easily manage it to shape the kachori,

10. And you are kachori will be perfect and they will not explode while shaping or frying, so the resting time is very important for this dough for khasta kachori recipe, so rest the dough nicely while the dough is resting we have to prepare for the filling,

#5 How to make Chutney For Kachori Recipe

11. For the filling we have to make a chutney with garlic and red chillies, which makes this filling is a very yummy and delicious, so this chutney will go not just in the filling but you will also get to learn how to make it garlic chutney,



12. Let’s make the garlic chutney here I have a soaked about 20 dried Kashmiri red chillies after the deseeding for half hour, once your Kashmiri dried red chilli are soaked them we will add them to a mixture grinder, and we will add 3/4th Cup garlic cloves, and 2 inch Ginger to make a fine paste,

13. If you feel water is essential to grind the paste then try adding as little water as possible, so I have ground the Red chillies garlic and Ginger into a fine paste,


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14. Now we will take a fry Pan and heat it up nicely on a high flame, now we will add 5 table spoon of oil to it and heat the oil very well, once oil is hot then we will add one table spoon cumin seed, let them cumin seed crackle along with that we will add the paste that we made earlier and also we will add salt according to taste,

15. After adding the salt is stir it nicely, and while stirring cook this chutney on medium to medium High flame throughly, until the texture of your chutney becomes a little coarse and crumbly, and it’s colour become a little darker, this process can take 10 to 15 minutes just keep stirring on medium flame, and cook this chutney nicely just will leave the oil to separate and the flavour of the chatni to develop really well, after 10 to 15 minutes you will see that the texture of your chutney has become crumbly and coarse, the colour has deepened to texture is crumbly and coarse and our chutney is almost ready,

16. Now at this stage we will add one lemon juice, and then stir it nicely lemon also act as a preservative, after stirring our garlic chutney is ready,

17. The chutney that we have a prepared taste so delicious we are going to use two table a spoon of it in the filling itself, the rest of the chatni you can eat not only with the kachori but along with lunch when you are eating curry, roti, rice, and whatever you want serve this garlic chatni with it,

18. It taste amazing and this chutney does not get spoiled either store it in an air tight container for up to one month it will stay good as the amount of oil is high and we have cooked it throughly, so if you store it in a fridge and use it it will not spoil,

#6 How to make filling for kachori recpe

Making  stuffing

19. Now we have to start preparing for the filling and they for that we have to grind some whole roasted spices, and then mix spices with the potatoes along with chutney and with plenty of onion and the that is how our filling for pyaaj ki kachori will be ready,

So let’s learn which spices we have to take for pyaaj ki kachori recipe,

#7 How to roast spices for kachori recipe

20. Now I have take a fry pan and heat a pen very nicely once the pen is hot lower the flame, now we will add one table spoon coriander seed, half teaspoon whole black peppercorns, one table spoon fennel seed, one table spoon cumin seed, and toast the spices on a low flame nicely until the spices start becoming aromatic, make sure your spices don’t burn in this process once you are spices are fragrant transfer them to a mortar and pestle,

21. you have to coarsely grind the spices so that there maybe intact bites of spices and some of them coarsely ground, keep in mind not to make a fine powder if you are using a mixer grinder instead of a mortar and pestel than run the mixture just for 1,2 minutes, and grind the spices once cool down if you are using a mixer grinder so you can see the texture of the ground spices this is how your spices should look,

#8 how to prepare filling for kachori recipe

22. Now we will take a fry Pan and we will add 4 table spoon oil into the pen now the spices that we ground at them to the oil and the saute them for 1 ,2 minutes, now I had boiled 6 potato so we will add 5 boiled potato mashed into this pen, and we will add salt according to taste, half teaspoon black salt, two tablespoon dried mango powder for tanginess, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, one table spoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 1 tablespoon spicy red chilli powder,

23. Now mix and mash these things together, here I have taken a Potato masher and I am mashing this mixture, the idea is to mash entire amount of potatoes without any lumps, otherwise when you shape the kachori the bigger pices of potato can tear the kachori apart,

24. So nicely mash the potatoes and mix it with all the spices, At this stage we have to add 3 table spoon of garlic chutney that we made earlier and we will add freshly chopped coriander leaves, mix everything nicely no need to cook further as the chutney is cooked and spices and potatoes are cooked too,

25. just mix everything until everything is combined once everything is mix then taste the filling and adjust seasoning or tanginess then do it at this stage, now transfer this filling into a bowl, and the cool down the feeling after transferring it into a bowl before adding the onions,

#9 Rember This Tips

Now it is very important to cool down the filling at this stage our feeling is obviously not complete as the onion are a still not in it is pyaaz ki kachori recipe, but it is important that we have to cool down the filling before adding the onions in we are going to use rwa Onions,

In a lot of recipe onion are nicely sauteed before adding it to the masala even I had made such recipe lot of years ago, but in this variety of aloo pyaz ki kachori raw onion is used and its texture is exquisite, so after frying the texture of the onions come so very nice we will also chop onions Chunky and not to finally chopped,

we need to get the texture of the onions so once your masala is cold only then add the onions otherwise the onion will release water and it won’t turn out good, so once you are feeling is cold then we will add the onions,

26. Our filling is cold now we are adding 3 medium sized onions hare, now mix it well with this feeling, so friends our feeling is completely ready, once the feeling is ready then make balls with it, so make a round ball similarly make a roundles of entire filling,

#10 How to make kachori recipe

Assembling, stuffing and shaping kachori

27. Now let’s check the dough it has rested well, let’s shape the kachoris, now take a portion of the dough and make a roundel of this dough, the dough ball should we slightly bigger than the filling ball, now flatten this dough ball, once you have flattened the dough then put the filling in the centre, while pushing the filling down bring the dough from the edges upward, then using your finger sealing the dough,

28. While ceiling it the excess dough that comes up you can pinch the excess dough, by doing so you are kachori will be sealed properly, keep the sealed part on the palm of your hand, now pressing with the other palm flatten the kachori, keep pressing it in all direction and the flatten it out,

29. If you find it difficult to flatten and it in your hand then place it on a platform and you can shape it, now apply some oil on a butter paper lining a tray or a plate and place the kachori on it, and cover it with a damp cloth similarly shape all the kachori that you need to fry together, and cover it with a damp cloth otherwise the surface will become dry,

#11 How to fry khasta kachori

Frying kachori

Now we will fry the kachori

30. Now to fry the kachori I have taken oil in a kadai or wok, you can take lot of oil just filled up to the bottom, the temperature of the oil should be 160 degree Celsius as in it should be moderately hot, and initially when you add the kachori then the flame should be high, now add the kachori on high flame  slowly,

31. Make sure that the kachoris spread easily within your wok and oil, don’t fry just one or two kachori at a time it won’t turn out good fry by 2,6 kachori together in one go, if your woke is small than fry 2,3 kachoris together,

32. Initially I did not stir them for one two minutes, once all the kachoris were in, only then i stirred it, keep stirring and moving the oil around, while stirring you will notice that the outer surface of the kachoris will get some structure, and gradually your kachori will start floating on the top, once kachori are floating then keep turning them and the fry on medium or medium to Lo flame until they are golden brown,

33. And crispy and puff up a little bit, these kachori will not puff up into spheres, they will be slightly flattish, but you can see that your kachori have puffed up amazingly, they have also got an amazing colour on them and have become crispy once your kachori are fried then take them out of the oil and take them out on another sieve to drain off excess oil,

34. Pyaaj ki kachori recipe is ready, now we will serve it, our pyaaz ki kachori have turned out awesome, definitely try this recipe of pyaaj ki kachori it tastes to beautiful, and the garlic chatni that goes inside the filling is a game changer, and the flavour of the freshly spices, so definitely try this recipe in lot of people may call it aloo pyaz ki kachori you can even call it that

No matter what you call it but the kachori will be mind blowing now tell me in comment box how did you like this recipes and share this kachori recipe with your friends and family and its subscribed, see you again and express if you take care bye


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  1. avatar
    Annu says:

    Really your recipe is very amazing I learnt very much from your wonderful recipe thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe keep it up

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