
Aam Panna | Aam Panna: The Refreshing and Healthy Summer Drink You Need

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 Indians make the cool drinks aam panna from raw green mangoes it is also called Aam ka panna, Aam Johra, Kairi ka panna. To make a tart, sweet, and mildly spicy drinks, raw green mangoes are either cooked or roasted before being combined with sugar, salt, cumin, and mint leaves. In India, it is a very favourite summer drinks since it is said to be cooling. Aam panna is frequently served cold and can be consumed on its own or as a side drink with meals and it is very useful in summer it can prevent from heat strock in summer and it can be rehydrate during hot summer,




Aam Panna

So What’s up guys you are most  Welcome to my blog It’s summer season and  it’s one of my most favourite summer beverages. Aam Panna, and the Aam ka Panna that results is a thing of joy & it’s such a refreshing drink. And  the recipe that I’m telling today, we’ll make the Aam Panna concentrate that you can store at home for long time.

So that whenever you want to make Aam Panna,  just add concentrate, ice, mint leaves, water  and Aam Panna will be ready. And  this Aam Panna turns out so delicious. It’s amazing.


Prep time: 10 mins Cooking time: 25-30 mins Serves: 20 glasses


Ingredients for Aam Panna


  • SALT  ½ TSP
  • SUGAR  500 GRAMS

How To Make Aam Panna

So let’s learn how to make this Aam Panna  concentrate and the Aam Panna recipe.

1. Here, I will take 1 kg raw mangoes. And Wash the raw mangoes nicely and wipe them properly. And You have to remove the stem part of the raw mango.  So remove the stem from all the raw mangoes,


Boil Raw Mango

2. Sometimes while boiling them, some secretions come from it giving an off smell or taste. Once you have prepped the raw mangoes ,then we will take a pressure cooker. And Transfer the raw mangoes into this. and with it add water to it.


3. You have to  take very little water, and the steam will help the raw mangoes to cook. And We won’t be using this water, so take less water at this stage. and add a pinch of salt. Now cover the lid of the cooker & cook the raw mangoes for 5-6 whistles on medium flame nicely.


4. Once 5-6 whistles are done, then turn the stove off. And Let the cooker depressurise normally,  as in let the steam settle naturally. Then check the whistle and remove the lid. And Let’s lift the lid & check.




5. You will see that your raw mangoes are nicely boiled. Now Take these raw mangoes out and  transfer them into a bowl and cool them down slightly. So that it becomes easy for us to peel them.


6. Once they cool down, remove the skin, After peeling, remove the pulp stuck on the peel using a spoon. Remove the entire pulp without leaving any trace of it behind. and then using a knife, and remove the pulp from the stone of the fruit as well. Similarly remove the pulp and flesh from the peel & the stone nicely. and collect all the flesh into a bowl.


How To Make Aam Ka Panna

7. Once you have collected all the pulp, then we will transfer it into a mixer grinding jar, Now, to it add 1 green chilli, a piece of 1/2 inch ginger, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp black salt, 1 tbsp roasted cumin seed powder,1 tsp black pepper powder, and add 1 tbsp fennel seed powder, Now, without adding any water, grind all these ingredients to form a fine paste. so I’ve grinded all the ingredients to form a fine paste.


So you will the process until here of how to cook the raw mangoes, add some ingredients  and grind it into a paste. At some places, along with the other ingredients, even mint leaves are added at this stage itself. I try to add a few fresh mint leaves while making the Panna for a fresh flavour, so I don’t make it into a puree here. If you want a predominant minty flavour, then blend along with the concentrate, water and add mint leaves, for a fresh minty flavour. The green colour of the Panna concentrate in markets is usually of food colour.


 And I try not to use any food colour so I haven’t added it, you can add it if you want. It is essential to cook the raw mangoes, coz it is believed that when cooked the panna has cooling properties for the body. So cooking it is very important.  There can be many ways of cooking it. Like we pressure cooked it, you can even boil it or steam it. And You can peel it and  then cook it, Or it is roasted on open flame just like brinjals are for Bharta,  Similarly roast it on direct flame & then remove the pulp, and it will give a smoky flavour to the Panna. So, there are many ways of cooking it but cooking it is important.


Make Concentrate of Aam Panna

8. So cook the raw mango and make a paste, Now, the next step is to add sugar & water to make it into a concentrate.


I know a lot of comments will come if you can use jaggery or not. You can absolutely use jaggery. Use the same quantity of the jaggery as I am using for the sugar. Just that the colour will become slightly darker and the taste may vary slightly as well, but you can still use jaggery. So, I’ve told everything about the Panna.  Now let’s lets the next step

How To Coock Aam Panna

9. Now Into a fry pan we will add 500 grams sugar, and add water just enough to cover the sugar. Now you have to dissolve the sugar.  The sugar should dissolve into the water. Once sugar is dissolved, then add juice of 1 lemon to it to avoid the sugar from crystallising or forming granules.



10. Once you have mixed the lemon, then take a sieve, and add the raw mango paste to the sieve, Strain the raw mango paste through the sieve to avoid any mango fibres to come into the Panna concentrate. After adding  the paste, stir it nicely to avoid any lumps of the paste from forming. You can even use a whisk if you want.

How To Make Syrup of Aam Panna

11. Once nicely mixed then cook all the things together for 5-6 minutes. After 5-6 minutes, you will see that it’s consistency has become syrupy. If I check it it almost has a 1 string consistency. You don’t really need to check it, I’m just telling it to you.  Once you have cooked this concentrate to this consistency,  then turn the stove off  and let the concentrate cool down properly.


Thatte idli

Khada Pav


12. You will  that the concentrate for the Panna is ready. You can now store it into an airtight glass container or a bottle. So, the concentrate for Aam Panna is ready. If you store it properly, then outside the fridge,

It can stay good for 1-1.5 weeks, If you keep it inside the fridge then even 1-2 months. The expiry of Aam Panna will not come too soon. If you cook it properly and  store it in a sterlised jar then it can stay good within the refrigerator even upto 6 months. So, you can make a large batch & store it & keep for long too. Once the concentrate is made, then add ice, water & mint leaves, and add chaat masala, jaljeera, mint leaves or paste of mint leaves, There can be many versions. Now let’s assemble

 And serve this wonderful aam panna




It was so much fun to have Aam Panna and this turns out so tasty. So it’s a summer perfect recipe. So in these summers definitely make this Aam ka Panna,  and tell me how did you like this aam panna recipe. and Share this aam panna recipe with your friends & family. And Hit the subscribe button if you like this recipe.


Have an amazing time with this beautiful Panna recipe at your home. Cheers!


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